Friday 28 March 2014

Review of Semester 2, 2013

The semester starts with a BANG! on 23rd of August 2013 for the Curtin Geology Club members when the committee members  arranged a welcoming gathering in the authentic Raya style. The notion of the gathering was to initiate an ice-breaking session among the club members. Besides that, the gathering also played a role in introducing Curtin Geology Club and Curtin Sarawak AAPG Student Chapter, along with the club advisors, committee members . It also acted as a platform for the members to know the staffs in the Geology Department. 

Lecturers from Geology Department: From left, Associate Professor Nagarajan, Dr. Prasanna, Dr. Dominique and Miss Vivian

Student Geologists

Vice President, Curtin Geology Club: Mr Premendran
Game session

Geology club initiated their first activity with the Hill Challenge 3: Bukit Kasut Hiking on 3rd to 4th of September 2013, which was organised by Himeraj Ashogan, the editor of Geology Club. The hiking activity provides an insight to the challenges that geologists undergo during field work especially in a isolated area. Moreover, it also acts as a platform to encourage healthy lifestyle among the geology club members. The hiking challenge was more of a camp taking 2 days and a night in Niah National Park. That activity closes the bond that existed among the geology members who comes off from different faculties in Curtin. 

Participants at Niah National Park HQ

CGC + AAPG Committees, at the peak of Bukit Kasut

Boat ride to the chalet.

Besides outdoor activities, we also implemented a few ideas among the members. For example, the introducing of the Field Notebook to Second and Third Year students had greatly benefited them in the fields. By introducing the Geology Club T-Shirt, we manage to generate an extra income for the club to organise future activities in a subsidised fees. 

GGC + AAPG Banner

Curtin Geology Club 2013 T-shirt

Geological Field Notebook

The exhibitions that we had during the Petroleum Week and at Curtin Open Day brings out the hidden answers to the questions of many outsiders for all this year's which was 'What do geology student study? and Why are they studying rocks?' Curtin Geology booth was shown great interest by the visitors and is highly recommended in upcoming exhibitions.

CGC + AAPG booth during Innovation Expo

A short visit to Shell Core Lutong Centre on the 9th of October was a wrap up for all the activities that Curtin Geology Club organised in the Second Semester 2013. The short visit was to provide an insight to the role of geologists in oil and gas exploration and to establish a vital connection of our club members to the oil and gas industry in Malaysia. This activity was organised by Mohd Rasyid bin Zainol Abidin who is also the Vice President of the AAPG Student Chapter of Curtin Geology Club.  

Inside Core Centre Lab, Shell Lutong

CGC + AAPG members

All of the above activities are highly anticipated by the members of Geology club. This report could provide the basis for ideas for the upcoming activities by the future committee members to attract more membership to Curtin Geology Club. 

HIMERAJ ASHOGAN                                                                               
Chief Editor of Geology Club                    

Approved by,
President of Curtin Geology Club and AAPG Student Chapter